Important Information For Those Considering Filing For Worker's Compensation
Being injured while you are at work can be a stressful and frightening experience. Victims of these accidents will often also face expensive medical bills, substantial amounts of missed work, and a fear of losing their job. Luckily, there are insurance policies that will protect workers that have been injured in these types of accidents.
Understand That You Are Likely Protected By A Worker's Compensation Policy
A key point to understand concerning worker's compensation is that this is a type of protection that most workers will enjoy. This is due to the fact that there are strict laws concerning the types of employees that must be covered by this type of insurance. Following an accident, some employers may attempt to mislead their injured workers by claiming that they were not covered under these laws. However, you should always speak with an attorney prior to accepting this answer, as some employers will use this deception to discourage individuals from pursuing this claim.
Appreciate That Pre-Existing Conditions And Injuries Can Be Covered Under These Policies
It is often assumed that worker's compensation coverage will only apply to those that suffered completely new injuries. In other words, those that suffer from pre-existing conditions may assume that this condition will not be covered under the policy. However, it is important to note that these policies must cover pre-existing conditions and injuries that were worsened by the accident.
Retaliation Against Worker Compensation Claimants Is Barred
If you are currently having doubts about pursuing this type of claim due to fears of retaliation, you should understand that you are legally protected against employers taking retaliatory actions against workers that require this type of coverage. In instances where you suspect that you are being retaliated against due to filing this claim, you may be able to take civil action against the employer as well as filing a report with the local government, as this may lead to an official investigation into the employer.
You May Be Able To Provide Input Concerning The Doctor That Treats Your Injuries
When a worker is facing the prospects of needing short-term treatment to address their injuries, the insurance company will have tremendous influence over the doctor that provides treatment. However, those that require long-term care may be able to petition for a change of doctors to one that is more convenient for them. Additionally, if the insurance company attempts to refer you to a doctor that is too far from where you live, it may also be possible to petition for a change.
For more information and tips on how to deal with your particular case, contact a law firm that specializes in worker's compensation, such as Thompson Legal Services.