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How To Seek Compensation For Unpaid Wages At Work

The US government has set minimum wage laws to make sure that workers are paid a reasonable wage. There are also other labor laws, such as overtime, which mandate that workers be paid a higher wage. If you believe that you are not being paid the wage that you are owed, you should speak with labor litigation services before you initiate a lawsuit.

Minimum Wage

The federal minimum wage in the US is $7.25 an hour. However, some states have a higher minimum wage, such as Alaska. Therefore, you will want to consult with a labor litigation service that is based in the state in which you reside.

Overtime Pay

If you have worked more than 40 hours a week as an hourly employee, you are entitled to overtime pay. There are also exceptions, so you will want to make sure that you're not exempt before you pursue overtime pay.

The Role of Labor Litigation Services

A labor litigation service will assist you in calculating how much you should have been paid. To prove that you should have been paid a certain amount, you will need paystubs, invoices, communications with your employer regarding your pay, bank statements, and an employment contract. If you aren't sure if a particular document is relevant, ask your labor lawyer.


Once you have proven that you were not paid, you must take action to have the problem corrected. You may write a demand letter instructing your company to pay. Have your attorney write the letter so it will be effective and is not threatening. Keep a copy.

Before Suing Your Employer

You are allowed to sue your employer, but you will first need to file a complaint with the federal government. If you are not sure what to tell the government, make sure to consult with labor litigation services. Even if the federal government does not find evidence that you should have been paid, you should still consider filing a lawsuit. 

Settlement Talks

Your employer will likely not want to take the case to court and will instead want to negotiate a settlement. Your attorney can assist you by negotiating a settlement on your behalf. But if you believe that you will only be able to resolve the case and receive your payment by taking your employer to court, your attorney will help you determine if it is worth it to sue and will represent you in court. 

Contact a law firm like Harris Shelton Hanover Walsh PLLC to learn more.
