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Sexual Assault: Common Types and How a Personal Injury Attorney Can Help

According to statistics, in 2020, approximately 298,628 women and 21,320 men were sexually assaulted or raped in the United States. Although these figures are lower than those reported the previous year, they are still disturbingly high. That is because some people still use rape and sexual violence as weapons for degrading and defiling their victims, especially when seeking revenge. Fortunately, if you were recently sexually assaulted, you can seek justice and compensation simultaneously. The sections below explain everything in detail.  

What is Sexual Assault?

Sexual assault refers to a situation where numerous sexual offenses are involved. These include indecent pics, unwelcome touching or kissing, and bodily penetration with an object or any body part. Simply put, if anybody touches you suggestively without your consent or does anything sexual you are uncomfortable with, it may constitute sexual assault. However, it's paramount you know that different factors determine that, including how and where it happened, what you (the victim) think, your age, and the accused's intentions when they did the deed.

Sexual Assault Categories

The most common forms of sexual assault include:

1.       Marital rape

Marital rape, otherwise known as spousal rape, is a term used to denote sexual intercourse involving one unwilling or dissenting spouse. The critical element in this type of sexual assault is a lack of consent. That means a sexual activity can fall in this category even if there is no physical violence involved. Unfortunately, although you may think marital rape is a horror story, around 10-14% of married women in the US still experience it. The most vulnerable people to spousal rape include women married to men who consider them 'personal property,' separated or divorced spouses, and pregnant wives.

2.       Statutory rape

Nonforcible sexual activity involving one partner below the legal age of consent is known as statutory rape. The age of consent in America varies depending on the state, but it generally ranges from 16 to 18 years. That means any sexual contact with an individual aged 15 or younger is sexual assault. Authorities consider statutory rape a serious crime because it often stems from power imbalances due to age, development, and size differences. Moreover, some perpetrators use their sexual knowledge, race, gender, or sexuality to solicit sexual favors from minors.

Hire a Personal Injury Attorney

If you are a victim of sexual assault, you may already be working with the criminal justice system. But, you may not know that you can make a civil claim against the perpetrator of such a vile act, be it a spouse, employer, or assailant. That way, you may get compensated for any personal injuries inflicted as you were getting assaulted. However, before you do that, you should consult with a personal injury attorney. These professionals are trained and knowledgeable, making them better suited to guide and represent you in court.
