Two Options For Avoiding Jail In Your DUI Case
When you're convicted of a DUI, there's a good chance you'll be sentenced to jail time, depending on the circumstances of your case. As you can imagine, this can make it hard for you to maintain important aspects of your life, such as your job. However, even though you may be looking at jail time, here are two ways you can avoid it.
Ask for Community Service
One way to avoid jail time is to convince the judge that community service may be more appropriate for your case.
Are You A Young Adult Considering Social Security Disability? Here's What You Need To Know
According to the Social Security Administration, those who are 20 years old today will have just over a 25% chance of becoming disabled before they reach the age of 67. Imagine if this generation of young people (and other generations) realized how commonplace disability before retirement age is, they may take better care of their health and work harder to secure a financial safety net for the future.
But what about those who have chronic health conditions who are struggling with gainful employment when they are in their early 20s who haven't had yet in life to prove themselves?
Common Questions About The Process Of Preparing Your Final Affairs
Death is a topic that you may spend a great deal of energy avoiding giving much thought. However, being prepared for this inevitability is essential for protecting the best interests of your survivors. Sadly, the survivors of individuals that failed to take steps to prepare for their passing can encounter a number of frustrating and emotionally stressful problems.
Why Are Wills Necessary?
Individuals will often assume that a will is only necessary for those with large and complex estates.
Common Mistakes Fathers Make Prior To And During A Fight For Child Custody
When a relationship with your partner has ended and you believe that obtaining custody of your minor child is in their best interests, it's important to be aware that your recent and current actions can have an enormous impact on the court's determination. For example, if you start a serious romantic relationship too quickly, the judge may perceive that negatively. Not paying enough child support can similarly reflect badly on you.
Are You Facing A Labor And Employment Class Action Suit? What Questions You Should Ask
No employer wants to find themselves facing a labor and employment class action suit. These types of suits are expensive to defend, challenging to fight, expensive to lose and can drag your company name through the mud. These types of claims involve multiple employees or past employees, which can make you feel ganged up on or feel like your word won't hold against everyone else's. As such, it is important to hire a labor and employment defense attorney to help defend you against these claims.
Navigating The Workers' Compensation Process
Workers' compensation can be a tricky process to get through alone. The general procedure seems straightforward, but any number of complicating factors can turn it into an arduous journey. If you've gotten injured at work, you need to know about certain deadlines and pitfalls if you want to file a successful claim. This is especially important if you've sustained a serious injury, because you may have to deal with deadlines when you least want to.
2 Reasons To Hire A Personal Injury Attorney After An Accident
A personal injury lawyer is an ideal resource to have at your disposal after an accident has occurred, mostly due to the fact that he or she can help you get compensation for any injuries that you may have sustained or any repairs that your vehicle will now need after having been involved in an accident. Listed below are two reasons to hire a personal injury attorney after an accident.
Familiar With How Insurance Companies Operate
Filing A Personal Injury Claim? 3 Things You Should Do
While it may be true that an accident can occur at any time and at any place, it can be extremely overwhelming. It can also leave you very unsure of what to do next. Whether it is a dog bite, slip-and-fall or a vehicle accident, an unexpected accident can leave you at a loss. However, if you want to file a personal injury claim, it is important that you take the appropriate next steps to ensure that you are ready to file that claim when the time comes.
Faqs About Child Support And Medical Expenses
Monetary payments from the non-custodial parent to the custodial parent are not the only issue that has to be decided when a child support court order is issued. The parents also must determine who is responsible for medical care for the child. Most states have specific laws that settle the matter, while others leave room for the parents to reach an agreement. To help you understand what is at stake, here is what you need to know.
3 Signs That Mediation Might Be An Option For Your Divorce
If you and your spouse are thinking about getting a divorce, you might be thinking about hiring a fancy lawyer and doing things like they often do on TV. In some divorces, this is the best option. However, for some couples, divorce mediation -- which involves working with a neutral party rather than going through a drawn-out court case with traditional divorce lawyers -- is a reasonable choice. These are a few signs that mediation might work for you.