Been Arrested On Drug Charges? 4 Reasons To Hire A Drug Possession Attorney Immediately
If you've been arrested and charged with drug possession, you need to hire a criminal defense attorney as soon as possible. You might think that you can wait until your first appearance — or beyond — to hire an attorney. But, that's simply not the case. The state started constructing its case against you as soon as you were arrested. In fact, if you were arrested on a warrant, the state might have started on your case long before you were in police custody.
Information You Should Know About Social Security
If you are sick or injured and you are no longer able to work, then there are social security disability benefits available that you may qualify for. There is a lengthy process you need to go through and there are certain criteria that you need to meet. You can learn more about social security, the process of applying, and why it is such a good idea for you to go through the process with a lawyer by reading the information available to you here:
What To Know About Different Types Of Child Support
Are you getting a divorce and know that you'll need to pay child support? If so, it's important to know about the different types of child support that you could have to pay.
Current Support
It is very common for one parent to be ordered to pay current child support once the case is settled in court. This is calculated by using the paying parent's net income, which is what they make after deducting taxes, health insurance, union dues, and things of that nature.
Will Your Family Home Be Lost To Bankruptcy?
Losing a home is doubtless of primary concern among those considering a bankruptcy filing. Fortunately, that is not likely to happen in most cases. To help allay your fears about property losses, take a look at the factors that go into the seizure of a home with a chapter 7 filing.
Why Are Homes Taken?
Bankruptcy is not just about getting rid of debt. It's also about prioritizing creditors so that some get paid.
Why You Should Work With An Employer Attorney Before Firing Someone
If you are an employer, there will be times when you will need to work with an attorney. There are even specific employer attorneys out there who help employers like you with various legal situations. You might find that there are various times when it's a good idea for you to work with an employer lawyer. For example, if you are planning on firing an employee sometime soon, it might be a good idea to work with an employer attorney first for these reasons and more.
Five Things To Know About Denying Visitation
If you have been appointed the sole physical custodian of your child, it's likely that the other parent will be awarded visitation. To find out more about visitation and what might happen when things don't go according to plan, read on.
Visitation and child custody are legal matters and may be part of both the legal separation agreement and the final divorce decree. In some places, provisions dealing with children are referred to as parenting plans, and those may encompass custody, visitation, and child support.
3 Tips For Writing And Printing Legal Briefs
Paralegal professionals tend to be the heart and soul of a law firm. As one, writing legal briefs is one of the more common responsibilities you may have. A legal brief is the written argument for a lawsuit. It addresses the parties involved and the terms of the suit. It explains the motions of the court case and summarizes the major points. Briefs are necessary when you're posing the original argument or penning a counter-argument.
Top Signs It's Time To Call A Bankruptcy Lawyer
You might know that there are bankruptcy attorneys out there who help individuals like you, but you might not have made the decision to call one of these attorneys just yet. These are a few signs that it might be time for you to call a bankruptcy lawyer for the first time. Once you do, you might find that you are making one of the best decisions that you have made in a long time.
Can You File A Personal Injury Lawsuit For Exposure To COVID-19 On A Cruise Ship?
A cruise is supposed to be a dream getaway. You get to spend your days relaxing in luxury, enjoying good food, and possibly visiting some of the most mind-blowingly beautiful places. However, if a virus breaks out on the ship, this dream getaway can quickly turn into a nightmare. Unfortunately, the COVID-19 crisis of 2020 led to exactly that for a lot of cruise passengers. Amid concerns of the virus spreading, some cruise ships were refused at ports and passengers were forced to quarantine themselves in their rooms onboard the ship.
3 Ways Divorce Laws In Your State Can Affect You
Many couples assume that when they get a divorce, it is a relatively similar process no matter where they live. However, every state does have its own divorce laws in place that are closely regarded as two people go through the process. These laws can affect certain aspects of the divorce, and it is helpful if you do some research on the divorce laws in your state before you speak to an attorney about your situation.