Do You Need A Prenuptial Agreement?

Keeping one's financial interests safe is always a good idea, and a prenuptial or premarital agreement is a great way to achieve this protection. If you plan to get married but you're not sure if you're a suitable candidate for a prenup, or if you just think it's an over-the-top solution, rest assured these agreements are not just for the rich and famous; they're for the everyday Jane and Joe like you. [Read More]

Yes, You Can Go To Jail For Overdue Library Books And Other Weird Laws

The legal system has been around in one form or another since the dawn of humankind. It's a living entity that grows and changes with the times; at least, it's supposed to. Many people may be surprised to learn there are quite a few ridiculous laws still on the books that could land you in very real legal trouble. Here are three odd laws that might earn you some jail time if you're caught violating them. [Read More]

4 Things to Consider When Planning Your Child's Inheritance

If you have money to leave for your children after your death, you need to know the best way to go about leaving this inheritance. Some people just assume that all assets will be easily dispersed to living relatives by the state after death, but this isn't necessarily the case. You may not know how your children will handle the money and what kinds of obstacles they will face. Here are some things you need to consider when planning inheritances for your children. [Read More]

Guilty Until Proven Innocent: 3 Underlying Reasons for Wrongful Convictions

Fortunately, hundreds of people have been exonerated due to DNA testing, but there are possibly many more who are waiting for an appellate court to hear their case. When you or someone you know needs to be exonerated, some components of your case are more likely than others to contain the information needed to overturn your conviction. Unreliable Eyewitness Testimony and Identification Juries place significant weight on eyewitness testimony when deciding a case. [Read More]