A Look At Some Of The Situations That Can Lead To A Wrongful Death Lawsuit

It is never easy to deal with the death of someone you love. But when your family member is taken from you because of the negligence or actions of someone else, the situation can be eve more stressing. A wrongful death lawsuit is a civil action you can file to be compensated for the damages you sustain when someone close to you dies as the result of something someone else does. [Read More]

Important Information For Those Considering Filing For Worker's Compensation

Being injured while you are at work can be a stressful and frightening experience. Victims of these accidents will often also face expensive medical bills, substantial amounts of missed work, and a fear of losing their job. Luckily, there are insurance policies that will protect workers that have been injured in these types of accidents. Understand That You Are Likely Protected By A Worker's Compensation Policy A key point to understand concerning worker's compensation is that this is a type of protection that most workers will enjoy. [Read More]

Two Options For Avoiding Jail In Your DUI Case

When you're convicted of a DUI, there's a good chance you'll be sentenced to jail time, depending on the circumstances of your case. As you can imagine, this can make it hard for you to maintain important aspects of your life, such as your job. However, even though you may be looking at jail time, here are two ways you can avoid it. Ask for Community Service One way to avoid jail time is to convince the judge that community service may be more appropriate for your case. [Read More]

Are You A Young Adult Considering Social Security Disability? Here's What You Need To Know

According to the Social Security Administration, those who are 20 years old today will have just over a 25% chance of becoming disabled before they reach the age of 67. Imagine if this generation of young people (and other generations) realized how commonplace disability before retirement age is, they may take better care of their health and work harder to secure a financial safety net for the future.  But what about those who have chronic health conditions who are struggling with gainful employment when they are in their early 20s who haven't had yet in life to prove themselves? [Read More]