3 Types Of Broker Misconduct You Need A Securities Law Attorney For

When you seek ways to invest money, you will typically work with a broker who can invest your money, build a portfolio, and help you create a savings account that will last for years to come. Ideally, you want a broker who can complete these tasks without any issues. In other situations, you may not be happy with the performance and actions of a broker. In these cases, you may seek out the services of a securities law attorney. [Read More]

Estate Administration Law Firm: Managing Contentious Estate Issues

Navigating the labyrinth of estate administration can be challenging, especially when contentious issues arise. Whether it's a disputed will, claims against the estate, or disagreements among beneficiaries, the process can quickly become overwhelming. This is where the expertise of an estate administration law firm becomes invaluable. These firms can guide clients through complex legal processes, mediating conflicts, and ensuring a smooth, equitable resolution. Common Estate Disputes Estate disputes can arise for various reasons, including perceived unfairness in a will, concerns about the deceased's mental capacity at the time the will was written, or allegations of undue influence. [Read More]

3 Good Reasons To Retain A Business Attorney

Running a business takes a lot of work, and you should consider retaining a business attorney to help you if you haven't already. Not sure why this is so important, especially if you have been running things on your own for a while? Take a few minutes to read through the following points so you can learn about why obtaining a business attorney can be such a good idea: They Can Draft New Contracts For Your Company [Read More]

Are You Eligible For Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?

The purpose of Chapter 7 bankruptcy is to get another chance by discharging your debts. However, Chapter 7 bankruptcy is not guaranteed to work. You must determine whether you qualify for Chapter 7 bankruptcy under US law.  Participating in credit counseling is one of the first steps when qualifying for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. You can take one of these courses with a non-profit credit counseling agency. Then, you should consult a Chapter 7 bankruptcy attorney to determine if bankruptcy is the best option for you. [Read More]