Three Arguments Your Lawyer May Make To Ensure You're Not Convicted Of A DUI

If you've been charged with a DUI, the thought that you could serve jail time or huge fines if convicted may be overwhelming. However, if you have a good lawyer on your side, you can probably plead "not guilty." The judge will likely either find you "not guilty," drop the charges completely, or work out a plea deal in which you plea guilty of a lesser charge -- like speeding. Here are three arguments your lawyer might make in your defense. [Read More]

4 Tips for Winning Your Personal-Injury Claim

With injuries occurring in workplaces, public areas, and on the road, you may need to file a personal-injury claim when you least expect to have to. It is important to be prepared for this legal conflict so you can avoid common pitfalls that could keep you from winning your case or could reduce the compensation you receive. Here are four mistakes to avoid for a successful personal-injury claim. Neglecting to See a Doctor [Read More]

What the State v. Ryce Decision Means for People Caught Driving Intoxicated

Almost all states have implied consent laws requiring people suspected of driving while intoxicated to submit to various types of testing to determine if a person is drunk or high. However, a recent Kansas Supreme Court decision has possibly turned these implied consent laws on their head. Here's more information about the court's decision in this case and what it may mean for people who are arrested or charged with DWI. [Read More]

6 Mistakes to Avoid When You Are Arrested

Whether it's for something serious like armed robbery or something more minor like public intoxication, getting arrested can be a scary experience. Once you are handcuffed by a police officer and wondering if you will spend time in jail or not, you might start to panic. However, you have to try your best to stay calm. If you panic, you may make mistakes that could hinder your case. Here are six mistakes to avoid when arrested. [Read More]