How Can You Prove An Age Discrimination Case Against An Employer?

It is illegal for your employer to discriminate against you based on your age. This means that they cannot demote you or fire you based on your age. Unfortunately, it can be challenging to prove that your age was the reason for these things occurring. If you believe that you are the victim of age discrimination, here are a few key pieces of evidence that can be used to help you prove your case. [Read More]

Are You Covered? Explore These Workers' Compensation Situations For Coverage

When a workplace injury has you concerned about money and health benefits, it pays to know whether or not the injury might be covered using workers' compensation insurance. If you are hurt, you must follow procedures, but sometimes that may not be enough. Read on to find out more about some tricky workers' comp injury situations where you may not be covered. Follow the Procedures When you get injured at work, you must take the correct actions. [Read More]

Proving Personal Injury Claims: Two Key Concepts

Anyone who believes they have been harmed by the actions of another person or group of people has the right to file a personal injury lawsuit. Proving personal injury claims in court, however, is not always easy. The following article takes a detailed look some of the key concepts involved in trying to prove this type of case. Reasonable Person To win your case in court you need to prove that someone's negligent actions or negligent inaction led to your injury. [Read More]

Tips For Using Discounted Or Free Legal Services

Some people associate hiring an attorney with being very expensive. In some cases, this is true. In some cases, though, people are able to use free or discounted legal services for a variety of different legal situations. These are a few tips for you to keep in mind when using free or discounted legal services. Know When It's Appropriate to Use One of These Services If you're dealing with a complex or very important legal issue, you may want to seek private representation rather than using a discounted legal service. [Read More]